Conflicts and disputes always take place in our lives. It may be in your personal life, business, trade, educational institutions, games and sports, etc. Whenever conflicts and disputes surface, they disturb our normal life practices up to a great extent. Most of the people are confronted with the same question: how to solve the conflict or avoid it in the future?
Due to the rapidly growing importance of money in relations, the quest for getting all materialistic things within a short span of time, temptation and widespread dishonesty, it will not be impossible to avoid conflicts/ disagreements even in the strongest relations, in the most confidential business, etc. So, in this article, we will talk about some ways to resolve conflicts and disputes easily and quickly. Let's start the journey.
1. Don't Be The Epicenter Of Conflict On several occasions, people become the epicenter of conflicts and disputes because of their stubbornness. A situation like this is very risky as it can drag you in the middle of other people’s problems and make you the main figure of the conflict. Don't be the center of conflicts and disputes. Let people solve their disputes. Never interfere in the matters of the other's life, financial issues until and unless you are requested to do so.
2. Active Negotiation The easiest and simplest way to solve disputes is to communicate with the rival parties yourself, discuss the points of discord in details and try to strike a satisfactory solution if possible. Normally, it doesn't involve any cost or lawyers and can be held many times to find out the solution of even the most complicated matters.
3. Mediation
Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process of solving conflicts and disputes with the help of a neutral third-party called a mediator. Generally, the role of mediators is played by all those lawyers who have completed a minimum of 24 hours of mediator training and a mediator apprenticeship. In this process, the mediator facilitates the dialogue between rival parties, helps them to understand each other's point of view easily and quickly, clarifies the situation from his/her own end, suggests the possible solutions, and tries to strike an agreement in the end.
Always keep in mind that the ruling of mediators is non-binding for the rival parties. The mediator can't make a decision like a judge or an arbitrator does, give legal advice, and take sides or tell the parties what to do. But, they help you to solve disputes easily and quickly without spending too much money. The rival parties just have to pay the mediation charges to lawyers. It also helps them to maintain the privacy of their sensitive business details and solve the disputes without making them public.
4. Sensible Facilitation
Facilitation is a free mediation process between rival parties. A lawyer can act as a facilitator and he/she needs to remain neutral while solving the disputes. Facilitators do not take sides or give advice on what they think is right or wrong. Their main job is to identify the issues that are at the heart of your dispute, develop options for further proceedings, and attempt to reach a resolution or settlement between rival parties. Facilitation is aimed at solving small disputes between rival parties and business organizations.
5. Arbitration
Arbitration is an easy, speedy, and inexpensive way to resolve conflicts with the help of an arbitrator instead of the ordinary process of filing a lawsuit in a court of law. In this process, rival parties use a neutral, trained arbitrator to resolve the dispute and generally they have to follow the binding arbitration. In other words, Arbitration is binding and the arbitrator's decision is final without any fail. If someone has problems with the decision, he/she can go to the court for the solution of the problem.
6. Legal Proceedings
If you are unable to solve disputes through the above-mentioned methods, then you can hire dispute resolution firms or individual lawyers and start the legal formalities to solve the dispute. This process takes a considerable amount of time to solve the disputes and a lot of money is consumed in it.
Final Words Disputes and conflicts surface at different stages of our lives. These are some important ways to solve disputes easily without any hassle. Use them as you deem suitable.